Of Doctors and Vets

Following my bitter disappointment on Thursday, I am happy to report that the sun did, in fact, rise. Well, I assume it did, behind the heavy cloud cover and snowfall. At least Sydney was excited about the snowfall. She stared…


So, I thought I had been very close to landing a job in Daegu. I had a phone interview on Tuesday that went very well, and another in-person interview lined up for Sunday afternoon. After my contact e-mailed me yesterday…

Top 5: Methods for Time Travel

Who wouldn’t want a chance to travel through time? Whether you’re revisiting the past, fixing mistakes, or just going to see what it was or will be like, it seems like a great time. Unfortunately, science hasn’t quite gotten us…

A Lesson in Education

I read an interesting opinion piece on CNN today, “The U.S. must start learning from Asia.” For many years, Asian companies–first in Japan, then Korea, and now China and others–have been accused of “reinventing the wheel” when it comes to…