My brief foray into freedom and positivity came to a crashing end on Monday morning with the first day at our new campus. At this point, the only two reasonable conclusions could be that KPS management are either a) astonishingly ignorant of our wants and desires, or b) intentionally trying to drive away their teachers. At this point, it’s a bit of a toss-up.
Yes, this move would irritate anyone, but it is the way it was handled that has really put me in a foul mood. In human interactions, certain happenstances require greater sensitivity than others, and in this case, we’ve received almost none. Prior to arriving here on Monday morning, here were our list of grievances:
- Longer commute
- No ability to visit the bank during work hours
- No local eateries for lunch
- No computer lab (effectively leaving us with no curriculum or activities for computer class each week)
- No staff room (no where to get away from the kids, and no where to grade homework)
- No gym teacher (so our one prep class per week is effectively taken away, this all the more ironic given the reported $50,000 cost of all the new gym equipment)
- The windows are covered, despite promises to the contrary
- And of course, far fewer students, giving us all lingering insecurities about the future of our jobs

From a cynical viewpoint, giving into any of our requests would only ensure that they would have to continue to give these “luxuries” to any and all teachers that came after us. Essentially, it is better for them to deal with our complaints and frustration in the short term, because in 8 months there will be no teachers left to recall “the good old days.”One teacher who has been with the school for nearly two years said openly in a meeting with the director, “You know, just having a fresh pot of coffee each morning would be a huge gesture to show that you care.” On Monday morning there was a fresh pot of coffee, our mouths, appropriately, agape. Suddenly, a secretary came around the corner before the first drop could be poured, “Oh no, that is for James!” James, the director.
- R&D-Barring a change of heart from our director, my attempts to get into the R&D department at semester’s end are all but kaput. While the option to move there after my contract expires remains open, I question the wisdom of signing on for a second year with a company that has treated my contract like a made up word.
- Public School in Two Months-Theoretically, I could land a job at a public school but I would need a letter of release from our director, who, as we have recently seen, has not been particularly generous as of late. Furthermore, these jobs are given out on a first-come, first-serve basis, so it would be difficult to land in a desired location, with a desired age group.
- Grit my Teeth, and Public School in Eight Months-Probably my best option. By staying on, I will get to take full advantage of everything KPS has to offer me, which as of now, is a big, fat paycheck. I figure I could save close to $15,000 between now and then (when figuring in my end of contract bonus, reimbursement for flight home, and pension). Lord knows I’ve spent more time, in shittier jobs, for less money. I would be able to apply early to EPIK (Korea’s far-less-selective version of JET) and therefore probably end up in a better locale.