September 13, 2010
I don’t want to be writing this blog. No, I wanted to be writing about the awesome time I had at the F.C. Seoul soccer match on Saturday. However, I’ll have to save that blog for another day, because I found myself stuck in a hospital for four hours after coming down with a fever and a very sore throat on Sunday. As for right now, it still feels like I’m swallowing large pieces of shattered glass but my fever seems to have subsided. I’m pretty sure I have strep, but the doctors didn’t do any tests last night.
When I was admitted, they showed me to a bed in a large room with a dozen or so beds. One man was there after, I assume, some sort of accident, as his face and knee were torn up pretty good. One woman across from me was whining about getting an injection in her elbow, and an older lady was puking her guts out in the opposite corner. I don’t generally don’t like to go to the hospital or doctors office if I can at all help it. When the next flu pandemic or superbug comes through, hospitals will be the first and hardest places hit. Anyway, they took my blood pressure, took my temperature, and listened to my breathing. The doctor then asked if I wanted an IV. Normally, I would have said “NO!” but if my Japan experience taught me anything, it’s generally best to just go with the flow. I was a little disappointed that they didn’t test for anything, and when I asked if they were giving me antibiotics, the nurse told me “For fever and pain.” I ended up staying at the hospital for four hours, they gave me four bags of this stuff, which was completely ineffective. Finally, I just told the doctor, “I have to get home.” They took my temperature one last time, and sent me on my way with a few days worth of painkillers and antibiotics.
I would say the worst part of this experience was being alone for the ordeal. I’ve not really been home sick yet, but I would have loved some company other than Thomas Friedman. I’ve not had a fever for about 12 hours, but my throat is as sore as ever. Thankfully, I got today off from class. I showed up (because I have no phone or Internet), taught the first 20 minutes of class until they could find a substitute for me, and I bounced. And allegedly I will be moving into my new place. Next update will be better.
So, I’m actually moved into my new place, but, and it’s a big but, they might not let me stay here because of my dog. Fucking great. I knew it was going to be a problem as soon as we pulled up and I saw the look on the face of the front desk guy. He immediately started grilling Joe, our Korean-Canadian Vice Director, about my dog. “Does she bark? Is she noisy? etc.” When I got to my floor I heard a small, yippy dog barking its head off and I thought, “And that’s OK?” Joe told me that The Man said they usually allow dogs, but only small, “puppy” dogs. Or maybe it’s because I’m white. Who knows. They’re going to try to work it out, but I might be on the move again if they can’t.
I still feel like death warmed over, and I still can’t swallow. Ugh.